SNG stands for Synthetic Natural Gas. It is a fuel obtained from renewable energy sources and has similar properties to natural gas.
SNG is produced in a chemical process in which hydrogen reacts with CO2 or carbon monoxide. This produces methane, the main component of natural gas. The hydrogen can be produced either from renewable sources such as wind or solar energy, or by using fossil fuels such as coal or petroleum. The resulting CO2 can be captured and stored.
SNG, it can serve as a substitute for conventional natural gas in various applications, such as the heating sector, power generation, or transportation. This can reduce the use of fossil fuels and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The use of renewable hydrogen for SNG production enables better integration of renewable energy into the existing gas grid. When surplus renewable energy is available, it can be used to produce hydrogen and convert it to SNG. The SNG can then be stored and used on demand to provide continuous energy supply even when the renewable energy sources are not available.